Wednesday, September 29, 2010

do you play lottorie (lotto)?

A lot of people hate mandays because they are tired from what they have been doing during the weekend and therefore would rather relax on this day than going to school or work. Well this is not the case with me. I hate wednesdays instead, because thats when i start earlier at school during the week and quit late in the evening. Today was quite different from other wednesdays, maybe cause i did something i enjoyed most or i don't know....but it seemed like a fair day or should i say how a wednesday is suppose to be.

But i remember the only time that i had realy fun today was only during my school project work with my group  mate.

student at my school presenting their final project   
we have been working with this project for about a month and one of the most interesting thing we have found out during this project is that the company which we went on vistising as part of the project, is the one responsible for measurement of the lottorie balls. That is, they make sure the balls bounce equally when sent off to the picking machine and that they are of the same size. I think its really cool that am part of this project cause i get to be one of the few people who just found out about this.

One more thing we just found out is that some student at my school are the one who delivered an automatic system to measure these lottorie balls with accuracy..
 this is really cool...


  1. I am really enjoying your blog. Hope you keep up the frequency of the entries! x ellen.

  2. he he, thanks ellen i will try my best..
